Eastern Freeride has been created under the auspices of the International Freeskier & Snowboarder Association (IFSA) to represent the Eastern US Freeride Community and to assist our Event Organizers and Resort Partners.

The Eastern Freeride mission is to foster an environment of inclusivity and support for all freeriders to grow as snow riders and as human beings, to develop into the best they can be within their physical, mental and emotional abilities, and to always have fun.

We do this by supporting our athletes, coaches and families, assisting them through the membership and event registration process, as well as answering their questions about rules, event scheduling and everything IFSA-related.

We also support our community by working closely with Event Organizers and Resort Partners, managing the series schedule and the regional registrations, providing the human resources (technical directors and judges) needed to run the best possible events, and advising on the development of best event practices in line with IFSA guidelines and expectations.

Boys wearing helmets and ski clothes posing at base of mountain